Cruelty Free

Animal Testing – The wider picture

In 2019, 3.3 million animals were used in animal experiments. This sadly means for every 1 minute that passed during the year 7 animals died.

The details of these tests are hidden from the public using Section 24 of the animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. This act makes it an offence (punishable by up to two years imprisonment) to disclose certain details about the animals used for ‘scientific purposes’.

What can you the consumer do to help the fight?

As consumers you can make a difference by simply shopping in a caring manner and always shop cruelty free.

Research the brands you know before using, using tools such as Naturewatch Foundation – Compassionate Shopping guide.

Donate to animal cruelty free causes that can really make a difference.

What have we done to show our commitment?

We have teamed up to work together and have been endorsed by Naturewatch Foundation as part of their compassionate shopping guide to fight against animal cruelty together.

This endorsement involves House of Fab providing evidence of its commitment to animal cruelty free product manufacturing throughout the entire process via:

• Sourcing only sustainable raw materials from reputable manufacturers
• Supply chain animal cruelty free declarations
• Auditing of suppliers
• Ongoing verification checks to ensure their continual promise.

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